Welcome to the first website for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, asexual, pansexual, not-cisgender and not-straight (as well as friendly cis and straight) physicists. This resource website has come out of a need for resources for gender and sexual minority (GSM) physicists. We serve as a networking resource for young GSM physicists and students to find mentors, a place to find resources for laboratories and universities to make their physics departments more GSM friendly, as well as a hosting of information of get togethers of GSM physicists and allies.
Please note that we are having some temporary issues with our web server. As such, our info@lgbtphysicists.org email is not currently working -- please use lgbt.physicists@gmail.com instead.
In collaboration with the AAS Committee for Sexual-Orientation and Gender Minorities in Astronomy, we are proud to announce a major revision of our Best Practices Guide, now titled LGBT+ Inclusivity in Physics and Astronomy: A Best Practices Guide! It includes a list of suggestions that your department can enact to make it more inclusive and welcoming towards LGBT+ students and faculty.

Many of our organizers were members on the APS ad hoc Committee on LGBT Issues (C-LGBT), which released it's LGBT Climate in Physics report in March of 2016.
If you would like to join our mailing list, please join the the Google Group below. If you are a physicist who is either an out GSM or ally, please consider e-mailing us so that we can add you our OutList, which will help other physicists network with you. If you would like to offer your skills and talents towards this cause, please contact us.
We look forward to meeting you and continuing to build this community!
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